Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Editor's Note

To those readers who have enjoyed Neddeth's Bed:

I have not forgotten Neddeth, who started me on a journey which I'm not yet seeing the end of. Inspired by her and her world, I went off-line (and onto NaNoWriMo) to write another novel which takes place in this same place, if not this time. I'm working on getting that novel critiqued and edited, and will be submitting it to publishers soon. Wish me luck!

In the meantime, now that I have finished the other novel I have decided NOT to go on with Neddeth's adventures in blog format, because I'd like to take what I've written here, hone it and make sense of it and complete it, and then submit THAT to publishers. So I'm not abandoning Neddeth, but quietly trying to groom her a little for a new life in paper pages.

That novel, Songs for a Machine Age, was accepted by Hadley Rille Books, and will be coming out online and in stores on November 29th, 2012.  Check out my website and my Indiegogo Campaign to find out more!

In the meantime, this is the place where you have been able to read the first draft version (at least part of it). Maybe someday other people will read the paper version, and wonder what the first draft actually looked like. And they'll be able to go see!

My thanks to readers, be they one person or five hundred.

-- Heather McDougal

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you are successful in your publishing efforts. I discovered 'Neddeth's Bed' and became quite captivated, and would love to read the conclusion.
Please, don't keep me hanging too long, I'm not a young thing....
with sincere wishes,