I know I'm dreaming. It's one of these dreams where you know you're dreaming and you do it anyway, la? I can see where I am, and the people going by outside the window of this...room, and everything. I even know how to work this machine. I see my hands (which look too old to me) working away, and the letters are pouring across the screen. AND IT'S MY WORDS!!!!! What I'm wanting to say is said, written. By me, I think. But where do these old hands come from?
Eleanor's Note
I write Neddeth's messages - about her life and her world - as she tells them to me, and this was the best format I could think of to pass her words on to the world. I try to upload what she tells me whenever I can. If you want to begin at the beginning, and find out how she came to be telling me her story, please look at the archives below. I have come to love her, and I hope you will, too.
Updates! Hurrah!
Please tell me she's okay! Don't let Hieram -
Oh -
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